Being an avid Pinterest fan I found a great piece of art where someone had turned a hand print into a flower…I thought it would be brilliant on a canvas for my mums lounge room – I would do one hand print of one little Miss down the bottom and one of the other up the top. I had such high hopes
When will I learn? Art with a two month old is never going to be what you expect. I need to learn just to let it go and let Miss T do what she wants to do…as then we would end up with something half decent.
Instead as this time it was for my Mum and I wanted it to be perfect I pushed on, trying to get what I wanted to achieve. Alas I didn’t and in the end I think the work that she did on paper was much better than what we did on canvas. I did manage to salvage one hand print to turn into a card…but still it wasn’t what I had pictured.
Getting Miss P (5 months) involved turned the situation even messier we had paint from all over the deck, all over our clothes and gum boots. Miss P even decided that facepainting (that is painting with her face) was much better than finger painting…oh boy
Then the dog got involved – seriously mate do you have to sit in the paint?
Post painting after we were all showered and the deck cleaned.I had a think to see if there was anything I could have done differently – one put a big bit of plastic down, lock the dog away, only paint with one girl at a time – but hey then it wouldn’t have been as much fun.
The lesson as always with Miss T is let it go…Ohhhh its so hard just to let it go…let go of my idea of what it should look like and let her be… its always much much more fun that way.