First Friends Tolo Koala - Great Toddler Gift
The koala is not a bear but this Tolo koala is one beary cute toddler toy!
A great birthday present for a 1 year - 5 year old and makes a great stocking stuffer or Aussie Baby Gift.

With a clicking, moving head and moveable legs and for a variety of poses this First Friend Koala encourages imaginative play and is a fantastic baby and toddler toy. It is so cute that it is bound to stay a favourite for years. - Encourages Dexterity
- Colour Recognition
- Hand Eye Coordination
- Sound recognition (sound of joints moving)
- Touching and Gripping
Looking for more - check out our great range ofAustralian Baby and Toddler Gifts and Outfits, Tolo products and other great baby and toddler toys